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If you use these terms your marketing is bad and you should feel bad.

#1 Solutions

This is the laziest word in marketing. If you use ‘solutions’ in your tagline, you’ve either failed to think about what you do for longer than a few seconds or you can’t articulate it.

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Forget about search engines

In retrospect, it's amazing how quickly the SEO discussion came to dominate conversations with clients.

For the first decade of the web's existence, search engines (such as they were) were pretty terrible. No one engine stood ascendant and users chose their search engine based on what type of content they were looking for. In 1998 Google immediately and radically changed that forever.

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How risky is your squeeze page?

We've all seen them; vertically flowing landing pages designed to create a trust narrative, peppered with testimonials, videos and the ever-increasing hard sell that culminates in a call to action for whatever they're selling. 

What if those landing pages are costing you traffic?

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